Splitting Terminator and Terminator keyboard commands

Back on macOS I was an avid iTerm2 user which doesn’t exist on Linux, but there are options.

I’ve settled on Terminator because it deals with splits in much the same way as iTerm2 did. Still, there is little UI on Terminator which means that the keyboard commands to split your terminal, or do anything else from the keyboard aren’t obvious.

  • F11 - toggles fullscreen
  • Ctrl + Shift + O - split terminals horizontally
  • Ctrl + Shift + E - split terminals vertically
  • Ctrl + Shift + W - close current panel
  • Ctrl + Shift + T - open new tab
  • Alt + Arrow Up/Down/Left/Right - move to the terminal above/below/left/right of the current terminal
  • Ctrl + pgdown - next tab
  • Ctrl + pgup - previous tab
  • Ctrl + Tab - focus on the next tab

If you’re looking for more of what Terminator has to offer, right click on the Terminator window and from the menu you can access the preferences.

Written on May 5, 2017